Monday 23 September 2013

Witch Bane by Tim Marquitz

A well thought out world told in such a beautiful and descriptive style; Mr Marquitz has an almost melodic use of words.

(I should mention here I am talking about ALL his books, not just this one; and if you don’t know him as an author you really should! Tim Marquitz - Author Page)

A complex, yet easy to follow, world is woven.
Yes, the characters are “focused” and hell bent on what, and where, they are going; so there is little character expansion outside of the current action. However, as this book takes place in such a short space of time character development would have been hard to achieve without losing the pace and momentum of the story.

Mr Marquitz’ talent lays not only in his ability to lull you with his words (see above!) but his skill in guiding you to the completion of the puzzle by giving such small, subtle and yet vital clues, that you are left with that “smack your forehead, doh” feeling!

The action sequences are good, full of technical know-how with enough tension to keep you guessing the outcome, plus the added bonus of him not shying away from the gore element.

The ending was almost abrupt, but the final chapters do tie up most details; however a sequel is definitely needed and prequel would be most welcome!

I have two little niggles about the book. Mr Marquitz tends to find a beautifully descriptive, underused word and then proceeds to over use it – humus and machinations are my main groans!
Secondly is Victor not a little OLD to be cavorting with such a young girl as Emerald?

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