Wednesday 25 September 2013

Tool Shed by Armand Rosamilia

This is your usual story of demonic possession!

However, this beautifully written novella leaves you missing the characters, always a great indication for me that the author is amazing! And he certainly is.... So far I have read several short horror stories and collections from Armand Rosamilia, but this is by far the best!

The basic story of an inherited farm, complete with dead cows and the usual serial killing grandfather! 

What becomes clear thought, with such deep and wonderful descriptions, even if they are of exploding cows & chickens, is that something nasty lurks beneath the tool shed.

The background given amongst the current story telling is fantastic; the main core never deviating. The frequent glimpses of the horror beneath allowing you to watch the town unfold, with the characters all showing different facets to them.

An element of mystery as to what, where and how regarding the demon and its link with the Zaun family allows your own imagination to go a little wild, but enough to distract from the story.

Plenty of "oh" and "aaaah" moments, a real thriller, a fantastic read!

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