Saturday 1 March 2014

Stan by Richard Wold

I found this author/book on The Daily Bookworm site; they suggested that it was a low price (not free) and well worth the read, were they right? Oh Yes!

The story starts with poor Stan throwing himself off the Washington State Bridge. Then realizes that he is not dead but wakes up not knowing who he is, however, he does have a lot of secrets in his head.

As Stan struggles to remember who he is in the local psyche ward, Dr Abigail does her best to pigeon hole him with a diagnosis, but he is smart, handsome and articulate and Dr Abigail starts to become obsessed.

Then a strange new woman, Lilith, enters their lives. With her help Stan is soon back in the real world and out of the mental hospital, trying to discover who he is with the help of the two woman, one clearly goodness and light, the other dark and dangerous; both are hiding something.

Mr Wold does some fantastic descriptions of hell and does some clever name drops; Lilith, café Dante etc.

Stan starts to hallucinate and this re-stimulates his previous career as an artist, a very popular one too apparently.

As he becomes engrossed in the project for his new show, his true nature begins to surface and Abigail finds herself so obsessed by him that she has to remove herself and find him a new therapist who enlightens him no end! Is this new shrink more bonkers than Stan?

Or is Stan really Satan, King of the Underworld in a man suit?

At this suggestion Stan goes a little off the rails, and he is finally given an ultimatum.

But which side will Stan chose? Darkness or light? And who will have him back?

Fantastic ending, one the best yet!

This appears to be RW first novel, I am very impressed and will be watching with interest to see what he produces next.

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