Wednesday 12 March 2014

Sleep No More by Billie Sue Mosiman

This is a great new novella from BSM and even in the first paragraph you know you are in for a treat as the overload of wonderful description takes you into a scary place.

Sasha Potter can’t sleep in her jail cell, as she thinks over the horrific night that she got caught up in. 

It appears that from a young age she was headed for a life of crime, even though her Granddaddy warned her “life was to wonderful too spend in jail”, this did not stop her from this path.

Sasha is a complex character, hard to like despite the love she was given as a child as she still has many wicked thoughts and a bad habit of picking the wrong guy and this one is a real doozy; with her brains and his muscle they set about targeting a new victim to burglarise.
However, in true BSM style it also goes wrong and the body chopping starts, then the lying, the blaming and eventually the police and judgement.

Is the punishment or the crime worse?

Such a sad tale, it felt like a relief at the end for Sasha. I really enjoyed the little twist at the end and was glad it had this ending and not a cop out. 

BSM writing style is easy to read but don’t let that fool you into thinking you won’t have to concentrate on her plots and intrigue. 

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